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Leslie Mezei

Year of birth, place



Leslie Mezei studied physics and mathematics at McGill University, Montreal (B.S. 1953) and the University of Toronto (M.A. 1954). 1954–1964 programmer, system analyst, and manager in Toronto. 1965–1978 associate professor of computer science at the University of Toronto. Founder of Computer Graphics Group. In the late 1960s he developed the early computer graphics languages SPARTA and ARTA. 1968/1969 collaboration with Frieder Nake, whom he had invited to Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow. Produced computer art with random and algorithmic graphic transformations. Member of the Board of Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) and other organizations. He lives in Toronto, CA.
Exhib.: 1967, »Computer Art and Animation«, Stable Gallery, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. 1968, »computer graphic«, Dům umění města Brna, Brno. 1970, »Impulse Computerkunst: Graphik, Plastik, Musik, Film«, Kunstverein München, Munich.
Lit.: L. M., “Artistic Design by Computer,” in: »Computers and Automation«, vol. 13, no. 8, August 1964, pp. 12–15. L. M. and Arnold Rockmann, “The Electronic Computer as an Artist,” in: »Canadian Art Magazine«, vol. 21, no. 6, 1964, pp. 365–367. L. M., “Computers and the Visual Arts,” in: »Computers and the Humanities«, 2, 1967, pp. 41–42.



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