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The Concept of the ZKM Website

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The ZKM | Center for Art and Media Technology Karlsruhe is more than just one place. On its twenty-fifth anniversary, it therefore launched a digital annex. The beta version of the new ZKM website began on September 1, 2014, with new technical innovations, and a range of new content published for the first time. The digital annex invites you to come and discover the ZKM in a different, new way!
Whether you are interested in art, music, performance, dance, technology, or science – discover a comprehensive range of offers created especially for the website: texts, images, videos, audio-files, and digital artworks. In this way, you can once again experience almost all ZKM activities, follow the program highlights on live-stream, and learn about and deepen your knowledge of new artists, works, and subjects. Put together your own program!

The digital annex allows all who are interested, wherever they are located, to participate in the ZKM educational program, which combines scholarly research and cultural education, expert knowledge and the public sphere. Make use of our open user academy!

One Website, Two Worlds

The website’s new architecture offers two different ways of accessing the content. You can choose between two worlds separated by a diagonal line:

  • In the left world you can search for specific information. Click on the red square!
  • In the right world you can carry out an intuitive exploration of a virtually endless range of things – the wonderful world of the »ZKM Cosmos».

You can effortlessly shift between the different worlds at any time. One click or sweep and the diagonal opens up yet another world. Choose your own personal path!


With the new website, the ZKM opens its unique art collection to the public for the first time. It also opens its archives: the video-audio archive alone houses over 4,000 accessible titles. Explore this unique resource on the history of twentieth and twenty-first century art, media art, art history, and art and media theory.

The website structure supports your in your research activities: all events, exhibitions, publications, projects, video and audio documentaries are interlinked. Are you searching for information on a given artist? By clicking on their personal profile you can obtain an overview of their works, publications and activities at ZKM. Via »topics«, you can discover and follow the various focal points of the ZKM’s program. 


With the digital annex, the ZKM also opens an exhibition platform for digital artworks. ArtOnYourScreen (AOYS). These works were specially produced for AOYS by artists and developers commissioned by the ZKM. AOYS is accompanied by an innovative educational program, which offers the first, interactive linking of art and education in digital space. AOYS is an online museum, open to everyone in the world at any time, and one where all can (inter)actively participate.


The website functions best with up-to-date web-browsers and is programmed using the Drupal Open Source Content Management System (CMS). It supports barrier-free access and is responsive. Consequently, the website content adapts to the size of your screen and to the data capacity of your computer or mobile device. The dynamic diagonals, which distinguish the two worlds of the website, present a new technique being applied in practice for the first time on the ZKM digital annex.

Like all large websites, the ZKM website's functionality will also continue to expand. The next step planned for the coming months is the implementation of a new web shop where you can order our publications. In addition, further content will be successively added.

We look forward to your visit and your responses at,

Your ZKM website team


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

