BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

DCX. Your World in My Tears

Fri, October 05 – Sat, November 10, 2001

Galerie K & S's offline-project »DCX« is a film on three screens. The installation is developing new structures for a digital cinema. Via Internet the editing and the story is modified daily.

Though he mistrusts his competitor Jürgen, Robert agrees, to a merger of their companies due to his friendship with the economy lawyer Eckard. Jürgen's wife and assistant Lydia falls in love with Eckard. The latter abstains from his lover when Jürgen experiences increasing pressure from the shareholders. But Lydia's support for her husband proves to be too late.

The narration is distributed among three screens, between which the viewer can move freely. The cinematic montage is transferred into space. Shots that follow each other in the cinema, can be shown simultaneously and create with their structure a virtual space of action.

The footage will be re-edited daily and the story will always be told in a different way. The viewer watches a movie that only exists here and now and will be lost the next day. By adding, taking away and re-editing scenes the narration is modified. Single motives of the story are once emphasized and then fall back into total irrelevance. Different styles of montage are confronted in their mode of action. The installation tries to bridge between cinematic and multimedia approaches. By changing the narrative context the single shots get a new connotation. »DCX« regards itself as an open work whose final form is constant metamorphosis.

The detachment from analog storage media and the separation of video and editing data allows dynamic presentations of sounds and images. The installation receives its up-to-date editing data via Internet. This binding permits the parallel setup at several locations. The space is designed for its reproduction.

»DCX. Your World in My Tears«
Cast: Niels Bormann, Andrea Rappel, Stephan Lewetz, Robert Lohr und Melanie Rohde
Cinematography: Uwe Teske, Birk Weiberg, Michelle Bossy, Jan Speckenbach
Sound: Cristóbal Saavedra


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe ; Akademie Schloss Solitude ; C3 – Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

