BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

upDate: Shintaro Imai

Thu, September 18, 2003 7:00 pm CEST


»The Twittering Machine for Flute and Electronics« [approx. 5 min. / 2003]
»Accumulation for Harp and Electronics« [approx. 10 min. / premiere 2003]
»New Work« for Tape 
Hanna Petermann, Flute; N.N. Harp

The ZKM⎥Institute for Music and Acoustics presented a composition by the young Japanese composer at the »KlangRiffe« Music Festival. This upDate, which includes the performance of three pieces from Shintaro Imai’s Concert Dimensions, enables the ZKM to provide an in-depth look at the results of the international artist-in-residence programme. Shintaro Imai prefers to work with granular synthesis, which uses extremely small units of samples – a special concentration on the richness of the recorded sound in its micro-scale. Imai will introduce his real-time, algorithmic sound generation system, which is based on various granular synthesis techniques and implemented in Max/MSP. In addition to the three works listed above, the audience will be able to hear excerpts from earlier pieces that serve as compositional examples of these applications. 

Shintaro Imai was born in Nagano/Japan in 1974. He studied Composition and Computer Music at the Sonology Department of Kunitachi College of Music Graduate School in Tokyo and at the Ircam in Paris. Supported by the Japanese Cultural Authority, he has been an artist-in-residence at the ZKM since October 2002.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

