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Mark Post


Professor Dr. Mark Post is a medical doctor with his main research interest being the engineering of tissues for vascular applications and for food. The medical applications focus on the construction of blood vessels that can be used as grafts for coronary artery bypass grafting. Tissue engineering for Food has lead to the development of cultured beef from bovine skeletal muscle stem cells in an effort to supplement and perhaps transform the traditional meat production through livestock. In addition, Prof. Dr. Mark Post coordinates a national program on early molecular imaging of neovascularization. He has co-authored 160 publications in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and during his career received more than 48 million dollars funding. Additional to collection of many different awards, those included from government, charity and industry. In August 2013, he presented the world’s first hamburger from cultured beef. During his teaching experience has had several appointments as assistant professor at Utrecht University, Harvard University, as associate professor at Dartmouth College, and as full professor and vice-Dean at Eindhoven University of Technology and Maastricht University. He currently holds the chair of the Phychology Department at Maastricht University. 



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