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Digital is sometimes radical – Risks and Opportunities for Marketing!

Thu, June 02, 2016 6:30 pm CEST

© Photo: Sascha Lobo

The Marketing Club Karlsruhe e.V. presents the author, blogger and strategy consultant Sascha Lobo on June 2, 2016, from 6:30 pm at the ZKM.

The ongoing digitalization not only requires new products, services and practices, it also demands a new mindset. The product changes into a process, something that can easily be observed in case of the most important software offers in the world, which are increasingly marketed as subscription-based services.

Platforms such as Uber or Airbnb, but also Google itself or Apple’s iOS, move to the center as the trend setters. An example that is of great economic importance to Germany is Tesla. The company sees itself as a software and platform company, and has managed to generate more than 300,000 pre-orders for its new electric car in just under two weeks – with an order value of more than 15 billion Dollars. This platform advancement has also led to Tesla being the best-selling luxury sedan in the USA already in 2015, ahead of the Mercedes S class, the BMW 7 series and the Audi A8 range. The situation is similar with financial services or with classical FMCG products: the advantage of cleverly orchestrated platforms, of digital ecosystems all about the customer relationship can be played out in nearly every industry.
The digital transformation has what it takes to similarly affect the world economy as intensely as globalization did in the 20th century, but how exactly, following what patterns and why? This is the content of the inspiring lecture by Sascha Lobo, who has for years made himself a name as an expert in the world of digitalization.
Sascha Lobo, born in 1975, is an author and strategy consultant, and delivers specialist and public lectures. He focuses on the effects of the internet on society, economy, politics, and culture.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Marketing Club Karlsruhe e.V.
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

