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Online Sonic Meditation Workshop after Pauline Oliveros

Feminale of Music

Tue, April 21, 2020 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm CEST

© blancsceol (Stephen Shiell & Hannah White)

As part of the festival »Feminale of Music« there will be an online workshop on »Sonic Meditation« based on the American avant-garde composer, improviser and activist Pauline Oliveros. The workshop is open to everyone and an introduction to The Deep Listening® practice.

The »Online Sonic Meditation Workshop« will guide the participants through kinetic awareness, a shared listening mediation, and a communal sounding experience, to expand the own awareness of the environment, externally and internally, in a collaborative, experimental and playful way, for personal and community growth. No experience is necessary, just an open willingness to participate!

The Deep Listening® practice is a unique and collaborative way to share a sense of expanded consciousness through listening practice, making sound, moving, and dream sharing. Meditative listening exercises will deepen your awareness of your environment, inside and out. The movement practice works with moving energy, grounded in Chi Gung. Group sound making is facilitated using Oliveros’ own »Sonic Meditations« - recipes for listening and making sound in a group. Pauline Oliveros was an enthusiastic advocate of connecting, listening, sounding and meditating via online platforms. Therefore her approach leading up to a deeper listening through all layers of consciousness is outmost suitable as a shared practice despite current physical distancing. 

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»Deep Listening is a wonderful opportunity to focus on internal dynamics of body, sound and spirit, and has given me a feeling of lightness and elation. Very inspirational!« - Vicky

»A feeling of expanding peace and well-being as the session progressed. A lovely inspirational space, thank you.« - Rosalynd

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Please note: The workshop will take place in English.

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The workshop will be facilitated by Stephen Shiell & Hannah White, UK-based sound makers, improvisers and Deep Listeners. Their work as duo »Blanc Sceol« is »psychosonographic« expressing their experience of place, with field recordings, self-created instruments, found objects, voice and text. Their compositions and performances are living maps, anchored in what they find in a landscape but re-imagined into new territories, and attentive to the vibrational nature of materials and surroundings. They became certified Deep Listening® practitioners in 2018 and have found the practice creates a space for profound shifts in consciousness and self enquiry, whilst also supporting deeper ways in which to communicate with others. They have co-curated many workshops and performances for a variety of festivals, community and art events in the UK and Europe, including for MIA festival (Portugal), Braziers Park, We’re All Bats festival for the Walthamstow Borough of Culture, Anti-University and Oxford Contemporary Music.

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

