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Cultural academy Baden-Württemberg

Art: Analog – Digital

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media

»Talents are slumbering. Talents do not dry up. Talents are discovered.« This is the motto of the cultural academy of the foundation Kinderland Baden-Württemberg.

Since 2010, pupils from Baden-Württemberg have been able to deepen and further develop their talents in the fields of visual arts, literature, STEM and music in two creative weeks. With its nationwide unique program, the cultural academy is aimed specifically at talented students in grades 6-11.

Since 2018, the ZKM has been one of the four institutions offering scholarships. The young people can immerse themselves in the digital cosmos of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe and at the same time discover the analogue world of art exhibitions.

The participants of the cultural academy spend their time at the ZKM by finding answers to questions about time- and space-based arts, discovering their own creative abilities and getting to know the ZKM universe: for example in the open workshop »BÄM«, where digital and analog inventive spirit is awakened or the exhibited art is actively researched in the so-called action tours.

Project management, coordination, conception and implementation: Janine Burger (since 2018), Sabine Faller (since 2019-2021) and Banu Beyer (since 2021)



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

