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Armin Nassehi


Armin Nassehi teaches sociology at the LMU in Munich. He is one of the best-known sociologists and intellectuals in Germany, present on many levels with articles, interviews, lectures and consultations. Since 2012, together with Peter Felixberger, he has published the legendary Kursbuch, which addresses and reflects on current issues.

Nassehi has published numerous books, most recently: »Gab es 1968? Eine Spurensuche« (2018), »Muster. Theorie der digitalen Gesellschaft« (2019) and »Das große Nein. Eigendynamik und Tragik des gesellschaftlichen Protests« (2020). He is a member of the Corona Expert Council of the North Rhine-Westphalian state government, the Bavarian Ethics Council, the Senate of the German National Foundation and the Advisory Board of the Ethics Association of German Business, among others.


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