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Anti-Prism-Party Second Season

They know everything about you!

Wed, February 12, 2014

© Photo: Secorovo Security Consulting GmbH

2013 was the year of disclosures. The publications of the foregoing months brought to light just how extensive surveillance has become. Whether electronic news, Internet research or entries in social networks: National secret services help themselves to data collections whenever required.

However, there are methods for protecting oneself against such methods. A large volume of data does not even have to accrue, and there are enough protective mechanisms − many of which are even free of charge. With a second production by the Anti-Prism-Party from the foregoing year, the organizers seek to once again provide interested visitors with support.
In addition to new advice in an around the subject of data security, historical and contemporary encryption technologies are presented in the exhibition entitled »Cryptologicum. Understanding Cryptography« at the ZKM_Museum Balcony. As well as guided tours through the exhibition, the program includes lectures, a »security cinema« and a live hacking demonstration, which demonstrate the importance of protective measures.

The event is designed for everyone − in-depth IT expertise is not required for following the clear presentation by Karlsruhe specialists.

You can find the complete program here

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

