Olga Kisseleva
Medium / Material / Technic
Animation, color, 90 sec.
Distance today may have various meanings, and new definitions can be found for how time and space are perceived.
The animation »Chronography« compares journey lengths from Mosul to London for four types of traveler: a regular passenger, someone taking first-class options with quicker transfers and direct flights, »VIPs« with private transport, and a refugee. We see four maps of significantly different sizes, which, through a non-Euclidean approach, recreate the world according to socio-political portraits of the explorers.
Of great relevance in a time of ecological as well as migration crisis, the work provides a glimpse of how technology, economy, and geopolitical stakes fundamentally change perceptions of time and space in digitally saturated urban environments.
The animation Chronography is a part of a research project led by Olga Kisseleva in Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, Sydney, and Washington since 2014. The map series is an outcome of a collaboration between the laboratory of art and science at the Sorbonne University and the SAGE laboratory at Strasbourg University.
Scientific collaboration: Anne-Christine Bronner
Time estimation: Aleksandra Stanczak
Animation: Xenia Leidig (ZKM | Videostudio)
Map background: naturalearthdata.com