Boyan Manchev

Year of birth, place



Boyan Manchev, born in 1970, studied philosophy and Bulgarian philology at the University of Sofia. In his doctoral thesis he dealt with narrative structures in the novels of Dostojevski. After his Ph.D. he became a senior lecturer for literary theory and art philosophy at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. In 2003 he published a book with the title »The Unimaginable. Essays in Philosophy of the Image« in Bulgarian language, which deals with modes of images in the works of Howard Phillips Lovecrafts and Georges Batailles. He has done study and research abroad, e. g. at the INALF (National Institute for the French Language) of the CNRS in Paris and the »Collège International de Philosophie« in Paris. Boyan Manchev translated articles of Georges Didi-Hubermann and Jean-Luc Nancy into the Bulgarian language.


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