BS DC Import Time

M Lore Wingren

© M Lore Wingren, photo: Victor Wingren

Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist


M Lore Wingren is an intermedia artist and composer and their work is focused around their experimental pop project M LORE. As M LORE they produce music, sing and devise multimedia performances. Their art is defined by visceral audiovisual compositions with an absurd sense of humor. Wingren works in polyrhythmic structures with androgynous vocals and what Couvre x Chefs describe as “ironic and dreamlike” lyrics. Parkett Channel has highlighted their use of “truly new rhythm” and calls their latest release with the unguarded label “the new frontiers of electronic music”.
Wingren began exploring electronic music during their bachelor’s degree at Mills College and continued through an master’s degree in Sound in New Media at Finland’s Aalto University, with a semester abroad at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). Their work has been featured at notable events such as Transmediale, Ars Electronica, the Berlinale, the Athens Digital Art Festival, and the Currents International New Media Art Festival. They have held residencies with Fabrica Research Center, Amplify Berlin, and Elektronmusikstudion Stockholm (EMS).


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

