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Mirjam Schaub


Mirjam Schaub studied philosophy, political science and psychology in Münster, Munich, Paris and Berlin. She finished her studies as a Magistra Artium (M.A.) in 1995. In addition, she attended the German journalist school in Munich, which she finished in 1994. Already since 1991 she worked as a freelance journalist and critic. From 1995 to 2001 she worked as lecturer at the Freie Universiät Berlin where she finished her Ph.D. in 2001. The next two years she spent as postdoc scholar at the graduate school “Körper-Inszenierungen“ [Body-staging] of the department of theater sciences, Freie Universität Berlin. From 2003 to 2004 she worked as a freelance culture journalist and theater producer. Between 2004 and 2009 she was an assistant professor at the Freie Universiät Berlin. The following 17 months she spent as a visiting research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. From 2010 to 2011 she was a guest professor at the department of philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin and from 2011 to 2012 at the department of philosophy, Technische Universität Dresden. Since 2012 she is a full professor at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg.
In April 2012 she received a call for a permanent professorship for “Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy” at theDesign Department of the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg, where she teaches till now. Since January 2015, as a professoral member of the artistic and scientific graduate school “Performing Citizenship” she surveys two PhD-students at the Hafen City University, Hamburg. In March 2016 she received a call as professor of philosophy to the University of Art and Design Halle, Burg Giebichenstein, which she accepted. 

She is currently working on a monograph entitled: »Performing Radically. An untold history of Pop Culture.«, tracing the idea of a latent radicalness in pop culture back to the category of „use“ becoming ubiquitous since Jeremy Bentham invented the »Auto-Icon« (1832). Schaub’s research interests include cultural and media philosophy especially film and cinema, aesthetics and art philosophy, Leibniz, Kant, Schiller, Schelling as well as French philosophy of the 20th century, especially Deleuze and Foucault.

Her main publications include: »Das Singuläre und das Exemplarische. Zu Logik und Praxis der Beispiele in Philosophie und Ästhetik« (Zurich/Berlin: diaphanes, 2010), »Janet Cardiff. The Walk Book« (Cologne: Walther König, 2005). »Bilder aus dem Off. Zum philosophischen Stand der Kinotheorie« (Bd. 4 der Reihe »Serie moderner Film« hrsg. von Lorenz Engell und Oliver Fahle, Weimar: vdg, 2005), »Gilles Deleuze im Kino: Das Sichtbare und das Sagbare« (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2003; 2nd edition Fall 2006) and »Gilles Deleuze im Wunderland: Zeit- als Ereignisphilosophie« (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2003), “The Affective Experience of Space: Janet Cardiff and Michel de Certeau“ (in: »The Oxford Handbook of Music, Sound and Image in the Fine Arts«, hg. von Dr. Yael Kaduri (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016).



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