BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Paul Jansen Klomp

Year of birth, place



Paul Jansen Klomp graduated in painting at the AKI Academy (now the ArtEZ Institute of the Arts), Enschede (NL), and subsequently worked as an autonomous media artist. He specialized in developing and creating hardware and software solutions for media and interactive artworks. In the early 1990s he produced the first commercial version of Corporal Syncstarter, and was involved in the Amsterdam Montevideo/Time Based Arts media lab (later NIMk, now LIMA, Amsterdam). In 1995 he founded kunst & electro, a company dedicated to developing hard- and software for artists. Since 2000 he teaches media art at ArtEZ, Eschede, physical computing for interaction design at the HKU Utrecht, and hardware at the Media Technology Department of the University of Leiden (NL). Recently he contributed to the Inside Installations and Obsolete Equipment projects by working on case studies and by investigating the development of a component-oriented risk analysis.



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

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76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

