
Postcard for the »rhein_strom« audio walk of the »MyCity, MySounds« app

With the app »My City My Sounds«, which was designed by the former ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics, users have the opportunity to experience 21 stations along the Rhine in a new context during a soundwalk through the city.

Following the course of the Rhine, sounds of spring in the Alps, rapids and waterfalls such as the Rhine Falls, urban environments such as the Strasbourg barrage or nature parks containing various biotopes can be called up via app at listening points in the city of Karlsruhe and offer the opportunity to deal personally with the aspects addressed by Lasse-Mark Riek and Thomas M. Liefert. Images of the recording locations serve as a visual reference point and allow an individual combination of the different aspects of perception for each listening location. In their seven-year project, Lasse-Marc Riek and Thomas M. Siefert examined the possibilities of a purely auditory examination of the »rhein_strom«. In dealing with physiological perception, aspects of auditory spatiality, sound landscapes and sound characteristics of the Rhine are in the foreground and how these can be recognized as such. Not only the various sounds of water per se play a role, but also the sound aspects produced by humans and animals in the immediate vicinity, as well as the changes that have arisen in the course of time, above all through human intervention.