Visitor record for Open Codes

Educational experiment extended until April 7, 2019

Impressions of the Open House Day 2019

In 2018 the ZKM recorded a total of 260,000 visitors. Since October 2017, 160,000 visitors alone have visited the educational experiment »Open Codes«, a record number of visitors! Due to this persistently high number of visitors, »Open Codes. The World as a Field of Data« – with free admission, free drinks and snacks, free WLAN and electricity – was extended until April 7, 2019.

»Open Codes« – a vision for the museum of the future

With »Open Codes«, the ZKM has extended the vision of a cultural institution of the 21st century of the digital age  shortly before its founding anniversary (in 2019 the ZKM celebrates 30 years:  the museum is not only a collection of objects, but also as an assembly of people. »Open Codes« redeems the vision of being an open space for open data and open minds – and thus an open future for everyone. This vision is also anchored in the founding mission of the ZKM. »Open Codes« makes it possible to reach all age groups.

The open architecture of the exhibition and knowledge experiment with its participatory character is an attractive location. Events take place here almost without interruption: Professors use this stimulating learning location for their seminars, interest groups such as ver.di or Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. book »Open Codes« for their own events, representatives of companies meet for Meet-ups in the exhibition space and free initiatives such as FabLab, OKLab or Entropia e.V. CCC Karlsruhe meet here to exchange ideas. 

The ZKM itself also invites to numerous events. The various events, meet ups, open discussions, hackathons, readings, lectures etc. are an elementary component of the concept of »Open Codes«: With these events the claim is fulfilled to be an educational experiment for all, »Citizens form citizens« (Peter Weibel). The offer to use the museum as a co-working space and novel learning environment is accepted not only individually, but also by groups actively and extremely enthusiastically. »Open Codes« shows that society is ready for new educational experiments and learning formats.