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Green Club 2022, in Entwicklung

© Green Lab © Unit Lab
Unit Lab
Green Club 2022, in Entwicklung
Dimensions / Duration
Fr, 18.11.2022 - So, 18.12.2022
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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 46999
flex-row-9-3 reverse

Unit Lab is the creative partnership of Cindy Strobach and Mike Vanis. Based in South London, they design objects, installations, and workshops that bridge science, art, and the natural world. Previous projects include a playground that explores perspective and distortion, a ruler that measures both length and weight, and renewable energy workshops for primary school students in London.

Green Club is a free and open platform for educators and students providing workshops and learning resources related to circular economy. Through this project, Unit Lab explores how the circular economy can be introduced in Greek schools’ curricula through the mix of science with art and making. During the pilot after-school Green Club in May, creatives and experts ran six different workshops spanning multiple sustainability subjects. Through hands-on practical sessions, students explored circular futures in their own context making wind turbines, environmental data sensors, upcycled objects and shelters for animals. Throughout their S+T+ARTS residency, Unit Lab worked closely with teachers and experts in the field of education and sustainability, allowing students to share their creations as well as enabling participating schools to measure their success by collecting data and share it on an environmental data map. Unit Lab will continue to contribute running workshops beyond the time of their residency with the objective of creating a lasting impact.

The project was co-commissioned by Onassis Stegi in the framework of the S+T+ARTS residency Schools as Catalysts for Sustainable Neighbourhoods, aiming at raising awareness within educational structures by fostering the investigation of new models of participation on environmental issues and focusing on circularity, transformation of habits and communities. Graphic design: Koby Barhad. Website development: Ivan Maeder. Content creation: Diti Kotecha, Olga Paparidou, Elli Krikeli, Andy Sheen, Dean Brown. Advisors: Paul Micklethwaite, researcher, author and head of MA sustainability at Kingston School of Art, London, Daniel Charny and Dee Halligan, co-founders of Forth, Kate Frood, learning advisor for Camden, London, Alexandra Theodorakis, art teacher in Athens, Mike Heilbronn, engineer at Scottish Power, Candyce Dryburgh, material scientist at Biohm, and Seetal Solanki, founder of Ma-tt-er.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_video / GPC_ID: 47000
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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 47001
flex-row-9-3 reverse


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