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Karlsruhe Integration Event

New Ways of Integration

Tue, July 11, 2006 9:30 am CEST

Lecture Hall

The »Karlsruhe Integration Event – New Ways of Integration« is a cooperative project of the »Bundesinitiative Integration und Fernsehen« (BIF) (Federal Integration and Television) at the ZKM | Institut für Medien und Wirtschaft (ZKM Institute for Media and Economics) and the Akademie für Integration (Academy of Integration) of the city of Karlsruhe. There exist few socio-political themes which are of such virulent contemporary relevance as that of the integration of migrants. The intensification of the problematic situation connected with integration demands a coordinated procedure by all actors involved and the development of new ideas for its achievement. The expert exchange of science and politics, last but not least, by representatives of cities and municipalities, can make an important contribution to this. At the ZKM, on the 11th of July 2006, there will be the opportunity to exchange experiences and to discuss new ideas and concepts of integration policy.
At the ZKM, on the 11th of July 2006, there will be the opportunity to exchange experiences and to discuss new ideas and concepts of integration policy.

With A. Kapinos (city of Karlsruhe), M. Mangold (ZKM | Karlsruhe), A. Stoffner (Biberach Rural District Office), I. Schaefer-Vischer(Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. - Otto Benecke Foundation) B. Sommer (Internationaler Bund Karlsruhe - International Federation Karlsruhe), H. Müller (Innenministerium BaWü – Ministry of Interior for Baden-Wuerttemberg), M. Stehle (Städtetag BaWü Association of Cities and Towns Baden-Wuerttemberg), Chr. Storr (Justizministerium BaWü, – Ministry of Justice Baden-Wuerttemburg, approached), R. Feil and W. Hesse (Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung BaWü – State Center for Political Education Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

