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BaKaFORUM 2010

Cooperation in a World of Cultural Diversity

Fri, January 29 – Mon, February 01, 2010

Lecture Hall

“Cooperation in diversity” – one of the central demands made by U.S. President Obama in his speech in Cairo: the tensions between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the tensions among the people of this world can only be overcome through cooperation, for the benefit of all. The media, in particular, has an important role in this. The BaKaFORUM 2010 will screen public premieres of films on this theme at ZKM, along with the best films from the competition for children and young people. Also taking place is a conference dealing with, among other things, the latest cooperation of television and Internet.

Media consumers become producers Old school “media customers” have been obsolete ever since the Internet established itself and mobile phones became capable of doing practically everything: consumers have become producers. The audience now makes its own program – core of the new-school media consumer’s “media literacy.”

Young people make the program In the “Media culture” project, young people from Karlsruhe, Strasburg, Basel, and Haifa (Israel) co-produce a website about the BaKaFORUM: they write texts, make photos and sound documentation, shoot short films, and present the end product on

The ZKM | Museum Communications offers a workshop for schools and educators in the context of the BaKaFORUM. The results will be presented during the forum.

Public Program

Friday 29 January

6 p.m. in the ZKM_Cube
Humanity is on the road: "Migration"
Immigration there, emigration here: an important theme throughout the world. On the opening night, the following films will have their German premieres:
The Burning Man: Ernesto Alfabeto Nhamuave by Adze Ugah, 2008, 24 min. A film from South Africa about violence directed at immigrants from Africa.
Me, My Gipsy Family & Woody Allen by Laura Halilovic, 2009, 50 min. The internationally successful first film by 19-year-old Laura Halilovic shows the life of the Roma in Italy and an encounter with Woody Allen.
PLURAL+ The best short films by young people from around the world, selected by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

Saturday–Monday 30 January–1 February

9 a.m.–6 p.m. ZKM_Lecture Hall
Screenings – Best of the Competition
The BaKaFORUM offers audiences free admission to screenings of those films selected for final judging by an international jury.

Saturday 30 January

6 p.m. in the ZKM_Cube
Africa is at the Center of the World
Seventeen African countries celebrate fifty years of independence in 2010. Nelson Mandela was released from prison twenty years ago and South Africa will host the Soccer World Cup in 2010. In honor of this occasion, the BaKaFORUM will show the German premiere of "Teza" by Ethiopian director Haile Gerima, honored as best film at the African film festival FESPACO. The actress Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur and director Haile Gerima will be present.

Sunday 31 January

6 p.m. in the ZKM_Cube
Soccer, Sports, and Media unite the World
That was true at the World Cup in 2006 in Germany “zu Gast bei Freunden” and it applies even more so for the first Soccer World Cup in Africa. The BaKaFORUM will present the world premiere of Fair Play, a film about battling apartheid with the help of sports, along with other films for the Soccer World Cup 2010.
Present will be Adolf Ogi, the UNO General Secretary’s former Special Advisor on Sport for Development and Peace.

Monday 01 February

in the ZKM_Cube, for the time, see or the daily papers
Award Ceremony of the International BaKaFORUM Contest

Media partner: Südwestrundfunk SWR

Organizing Organization / Institution



ZKM | Karlsruhe, University of Basel, Karlsruhe University of Design, University of North-Western Switzerland, and European Broadcasting Union EBU


Foundation partners: Swiss Television and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, as well as the Cities Basel and Karlsruhe

Support: County Media Center Baden-Württemberg (Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe, LMZ), Germany, and the University of North-Western Switzerland (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW), Aarau, Switzerland

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

