Anthology Festschrift 25 Jahre Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kunst und Medientechnologie e. V. in Karlsruhe 2013
Exhibition catalog Art in Europe 1945 – 1968. The Continent that the EU Does Not Know Supplement to the exhibition catalogue 2017
CD-ROM/DVD Boris Groys: Thinking in Loop Drei Videos über das Ikonoklastische, Rituelle und Unsterbliche / Three Videos on Iconoclasm, Ritual and Immortality 2008
Monograph Audio CD Computer, Musik, Ästhetik. Klang, Technologie, Sinn Aufsätze, Texte und Sendungen 2006
Exhibition catalog Imagination Becomes Reality. An Exhibition Cycle Focusing on the Pictorial Understanding of Current Art Part V. Fantasy and Fiction 2006
Exhibition catalog Imagination Becomes Reality. An Exhibition Cycle on the Pictoral Unterstanding of Current Art Part II. Painting Surface Space 2005
Exhibition catalog Imagination Becomes Reality. An Exhibition Cycle on the Pictoral Unterstanding of Current Art Part III. Talking Pictures 2005
Exhibition catalog Imagination Becomes Reality. An Exhibition Cycle on the Pictoral Unterstanding of Current Art Part I. Expanded Paint Tools 2005
Exhibition catalog Imagination Becomes Reality. An Exhibition on the Expanded Concept of Painting Werke aus der Sammlung Goetz / Works from the Goetz Collection. Conclusion 2007
Anthology Karlsruhes neus Kulturzentrum: Kunstfabrik im Hallenbau A Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Städtische Galerie, Museum für Neue Kunst, Hochschule für Gestaltung 1997
Anthology Vom Betrachter zum Gestalter Neue Medien in Museen. Strategien, Beispiele und Perspektiven für die Bildung 2007