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10th Silent Film Festival: Fritz Lang and his Stars

Thu, March 01 – Sat, March 03, 2012

The “10th Karlsruhe Silent Film Days” are dedicated to the artistic creations of director Fritz Lang and his silent films. Fritz Lang’s work is characterized by an especially strong coherency. Although his film subjects are diverse, certain constellations of his stories are often repeated. His stories concern people who are enclosed in dependencies, who become involved in non-transparent intrigues, in stories about crimes and criminals, who entertain fantasies of omnipotence and who ultimately perish – if they are not resurrected in a sequel to the film.

The appraisal of Fritz Lang has changed strongly in the course of time. In the 1920s, critics such as Siegfried Kracauer, for example, have appreciated Lang’s filmic imagery, yet criticized his plots and material and the ‘simple’ message that often stands behind it. Even as late as the 1960s, the French film historian Francis Courtade accused Lang of having created at best monstrously monumental films. Today, film criticism of Fritz Lang has been more positively focused. “Metropolis” has been accepted into world film heritage and the great Cinémathèque Française has recently presented a complete retrospective of Lang’s films.

Fritz Lang’s films have helped several German actors to world renown, for example, Brigitte Helm, Lilian Harvey and Willy Fritsch. Visitors encounter Lilian Harvey and Willy Fritsch, the beloved couple of German film, in the film “Ihr dunkler Punkt”, a racy crime comedy by Johannes Guter starring Lilian Harvey in a double role.

At ZKM, the films “Die Nibelungen (parts 1 & 2)”, “Die Spinnen (part 1 & 2)” and “Harakiri” by Fritz Lang will be shown on three days. Additionally, “Ihr dunkler Punkt” (dir.: Johannes Guter) can be seen and, for the first time, a film concert will be offered. The Kammerflimmerkollektief accompanies, with the music of their new CD “Teufelskamin”, a Russian science-fiction, silent film of 1926: “Aelita – Die Königin des Mars”.


Thu, March 01, 2012

Opening: 7.00 p.m.: “Die Nibelungen, part 1: Siegfried”
Music: Günter Buchwald and Ensemble

Fri, March 02, 2012

7.30 p.m.: “Die Nibelungen, part 2: Kriemhilds Rache”
Music: Andreas Benz

10.15 p.m.: “Ihr dunkler Punkt”, dir.: Johannes Guter
with Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch
Music: Capella Obscura under the direction of Cornelia Brugger

Sat, March 03, 2012

2.30 p.m.: “Die Spinnen, part 1: Der goldene See”
Music: Silentones

5.00 p.m.: “Die Spinnnen, part 2: Das Brillantenschiff”
Music: Frieder Egri

9 p.m.: Film Concert: “Aelita – die Königin des Mars”, dir.: Jakov Protasanov
Music: Kammerflimmer Kollektief; music from the new album “Teufelskamin”

11.30 p.m.: “Harakiri” (Midnight Special)
Music: duo Atembogen & Percussion

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM ; Studentisches Kulturzentrum Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

