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Fast Forward Science 2015

The web video competition for science

Fri, December 04, 2015 – Sun, February 28, 2016

They inform, surprise, are full of science – and will be presented at the ZKM: The winning videos of »Fast Forward Science 2015«.
For »Fast Forward Science 2015«, researchers, die-hard web video makers, artists but also anyone interested in science were asked to submit exceptional videos on current research topics, which are entertaining, scientifically substantiated and comprehensible all at the same time. From the 109 entries, a jury selected the prize-winners in the three categories and awarded the special prize »Super Fast«. The public’s favourites from the finalists were awarded the »Community Award«. The prize ceremony took place on Dec 1, 2015 as part of the 8th Forum of Science Communication in Nuremburg.

The competition is intended to achieve greater visibility for German-language science web videos and the medium of web video is intended to be seen more keenly as a substantiated, entertaining and mass-use means of communication for scientific themes.

The web video award, which has a total prize money of € 20,000 is a joint project by Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.

The categories


The focus is on the depth of content of the video. Current science and research should be conveyed in a substantiated manner. An objective presentation, thorough research, comprehensibility and a certain entertainment value characterise the three winners of this category:
  1. Place: Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation
  2. Place: Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle – der direkte Draht zum Denken [Brain-Computer interface – the direct wire to thoughts]
  3. Place: Früherkennung – Gentests und Designerbabys [Early recognition – gene tests and designer babies]


The entertainment value of the video is the main focus. The winning videos of this category convey that science is exciting and sensational – and is also fun:
  1. Place: Teilchenbeschleuniger – Brickscience TV [Particle accelerator – Brickscience TV]
  2. Place: Power to Gas – Energiespeicher der Zukunft [Power to Gas – Energy storage of the future]
  3. Place: Supraleitung – Auf der Überholspur [Superconductivity – in the fast lane]


This is a new category this year, where videos are evaluated at the interface between art and science. The artistic quality, use of unusual aesthetic means and the use of audio-visual opportunities characterize the winners of this category:
  1. Place: Hydrocarbon
  2. Place: Marble Spaceship
  3. Place: Was not awarded

Special price Super Fast

  1. Place: JAGO – 25 Jahre unter Druck [25 years under pressure]
  2. Place: 360grad Medienkonvergenz [360degree media Convergence ]
  3. Place: Künstliches Magma [Artificial magma]

Organizing Organization / Institution

Wissenschaft im Dialog [Science in Dialogue] and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft [Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany]
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

