
Warren Neidich: Artistic Research in the 21st Century



Using Neuroaesthetics, which I began lecturing upon in 1996 at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, as a model I will first explain the differences between artistic, art historical and scientific research. 
Subsequently, through my art works If it looks like art it probably isn‘t, The Education of the Eye, Rainbow Brushes, The Noologist‘s Handbook and finally The Sound of Cats Meowing I will illustrate the power of art as a cultural and neuroplastic modulator. Finally, I will explore artistic research in the context of Cognitive Capitalism.

Warren Neidich is an artist and writer who works in multiple media. He has recently been exploring the conditions of cognitive capitalism using noise music as an inspiration for installations made of speakers, drawings, and videos which set up what he refers to as dissonant resonances. He has been exhibited internationally at such institutions as MoMa PS1, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; MuKHA, Antwerp; and Galerie Fons Welters in Amsterdam. He recently received the Fulbright Scholar Program Fellowship, Fine Arts Category, 2011 and the Vilem Flusser Theory Award, Berlin, 2010. He is author of numerous publications including Blow-up: Photography, Cinema and the Brain (2002), Lost Between the Extensivity/Intensivity Exchange (2009), Cognitive Architecture: From Biopolitics to Noopolitics (2011). His work The Noologist’s Handbook and Other Art Experiments is forthcoming in 2012 with Archive Books, Berlin.


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