BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Portrait Concert Tato Taborda

Thu, April 09, 2009 8:00 pm CEST

The Brazilian composer Tato Taborda together with his “one-man-orchester” Geralda will be guest at the ZKM in April. The multi-instrumental structure Geralda comprises seventy acoustic and electronic sound creators, some of which are damaged and aged toys and instruments that appear useless for making music. For composer Tato Taborda, Geralda is nearly human. He slips into it and begins to stack up the sounds. In concert, he maintains a dialogue with performer Alexandre Fenerich who transfers the sounds from Geralda into a visual-virtual world thus forming her digital alter ego. The rules are set and the leeway is equally distributed. In this way, a resounding fairy-tale being emerges: half aluminum and strings, half algorithms and data.


Tato Taborda: "Leve, lento, articulado e contínuo"
[Light, slow, articulated, and continual]
2007, 22 min, German premiere

Tato Taborda / Alexandre Fenerich: “Coleção de inutilezas”
[Collection of useless things]
2006, 26 min, German premiere

Tato Taborda: “Disparo” [Shot]
2008/2009, 14 min, world premiere

Tato Taborda Geralda (Multi-instrumental structure)
Alexandre Fenerich Virtual Geralda: digital processing and eight-channel projection in real-time

A concert focusing on contemporary music from Latin America will also take place on April 4th and 5th, 2009 in the Forum Neue Musik of Deutschlandfunk in Cologne.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

