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The Pyramids

Wed, July 06, 2011 8:00 pm CEST

The Pyramids are certainly the most mysterious and legendary of all cosmic jazz collectives from the early 1970s, which following the immortal Sun Ra explored not only musical, but also social experiments in black consciousness and human coexistence.
The band was founded in 1971 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, a notorious hotbed of radical thought in the otherwise conservative American provinces. With a cleverly applied scholarship, the combo around the restless Idris Ackamoor, soon set off for Europe on their »cultural odyssey.« They subsequently traced the roots of all Afro-American music in conjunction with local artists on extended tours throughout Africa. This resulted in a mixture of hymnal saxophone improvisation and unbridled drum freak-outs in a music sounding simultaneously of America, Europe, and Africa, combining weightless ecstasy and earthy moments with lyrical, nearly meditative phases.

The band published their own first three albums in a small series. Their republication on vinyl by the Chicago Label IKEF 2007 amounted to a minor sensation. The ensuing rediscovery of The Pyramids led to the band’s reunion in 2010. The Reunion Tour has brought the musicians, in their original line-up, back to Europe for the first time since their break up in 1977.

The Pyramids

Idris Ackamoor Saxophone
Margo Simmons Flute
Bradie »Hekaptah« Speller Percussion
Thomas »Kimathi Asante« Williams Electric Bass
Kash Killion Double Bass, Cello
Donald Robinson Drums

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

