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Aleph Guitar Quartet

With works by Alberto Hortigüela, Irene Galindo Quero, Aurélio Edler, Peter Jakober and Mathias Spahlinger

Sun, December 14, 2014 8:00 pm CET

© photo: Andreas Brehmer

The Aleph guitar quartet presents works especially written for you, and gives an impression of how, by way of four guitars, space is expertly provided to that which is unconventional and new. The Aleph guitar quartet formed in 1993 and has since then proven itself as an ensemble, which makes a decisive contribution to the creation of a contemporary repertoire for four guitars. In close collaboration with the four guitarists Andrés Hernández Alba, Tillmann Reinbeck, Wolfgang Sehringer and Christian Wernicke, numerous composers repeatedly tap into the tonal potential of this arrangement.
The concert evening opens with the work »Die Sprache ist die Strafe« [The language is the punishment]. Here, the composer, Alberto Hortigüela thematizes the conflict between the claim to a contemporary global aesthetics and the simultaneous search for individual expression within compositional thought. With »Ziffer H Hut«, Irene Galindo Quero focuses on the question as to the extent to which the principle of a plucked string is capable of generating a rich palette of music. In Peter Jakobers piece »triften« the methodology of pulse transmission – which is used by the composer in several other pieces – continues and refines. Jakober focuses on on questioning the phenomenon of simultaneity in music.

A further piece to be performed is entitled »entfernte ergänzung«, by Mathias Spahlinger. Here, the composer describes a process which undergoes such gradual transformation that anything heard over a minutes-long interval appears identical. The last piece of the evening is developed by Aurélio Edler entitled »Pulso« and serves to research the inner pulse of sound. Here, the composer draws on a rhythmic conception straddling the homorhythmic and polyrhythmc


Alberto Hortigüela (Spanien, *1969): »Die Sprache ist die Strafe«, 9’
Irene Galindo Quero (Spanien, *1985): »Ziffer H Hut«, 11’
Peter Jakober (Österreich, *1977): »triften«, 17'
for guitar quartet and playback
Mathias Spahlinger (Deutschland, *1944): »entfernte ergänzung«, 17'
Aurélio Edler (Brasilien, *1976): »Pulso«, 14'


With the kind support of the Cultural Office of Karlsruhe.
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

