

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Photo: Elias Siebert
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Karl-Friedrich-Strasse 6, Karlsruhe

October 8 to November 29, 2020, 4pm–10pm CET

The interactive light art installation »KORRELATION« by the artist collective Xenorama, which has participated several times in the Schlosslichtspiele in Karlsruhe, transforms the pavement of Karl-Friedrich-Straße into an abstract underwater landscape which redesigns itself under the visitors' feet as soon as stepped onto. The landscape moves under the visitors’ feet as soon as they enter the projection. In response to viewers’ movements, it changes and opens up a view of the subaquamarine world. The viewers become part of the artistic-visual environment, which they influence significantly through all of their actions. The work, whose title means »mutual relation« and which refers to both the sensual and the scientific data-based observation of our environment, uses projection and sensor technology to visualize water as one of the most precious resources on the planet. By the dynamic overlapping of visual and sound levels, the work draws attention to the close relationship between humans, nature, and technology. The aim of the installation is to emphasize the interdependence of all human and nonhuman actors that share the living space on Earth.

The installation is designed for up to ten people, whereby the number of users and their movements have an impact on the media environment. Feel free to enter the installation, keep your distance and remain attentive to your surroundings.

»KORRELATION« was selected for the »Seasons of Media Arts« 2020 by ZKM | Karlsruhe.

Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 12606
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Xenorama, founded in 2014 by Marcel Brückner, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Laurenz Potthast, and Moritz Richartz, is an interdisciplinary artist collective for audiovisual media. It specializes in site-specific narratives, spatial cinema, sound and interactive light installations and projections. The collective pursues context-specific and interactive approaches that make it possible to dynamically transform and animate spaces and turn them into an immersive experience. Xenorama has already exhibited worldwide and has been awarded numerous prizes. In 2015 and 2019, the collective took part in the Schlosslichtspiele Karlsruhe with new productions. Their studios are located in Potsdam and Bremen.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

