Contribution Rules
I. Young Membership
- up to 26 years
- 20 € per year
- free admission to the ZKM
- invitations to exhibition openings
II. Sponsoring Membership
- 26 years and older
- 80 € per year
- free admission to the ZKM for two adults and two children
- free use of the ZKM Lounge
- special guided tours and invitations to exclusive events
- inivitations to exhibition openings
- 20 % discount on ZKM events in the Media Theater, Lecture Hall, Cube, on ZKM publications such as cataloges
III. Company Membership
- 400 € per year
- all the advantages of sponsoring membership
- five transferable corporate cards
- special events for corporate members only
Incorporated Society for the Development of Art and Media
Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0) 721/8100-1260
Fax: +49 (0) 721/8100-1269