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Éliane Radigue

Feminale der Musik

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The composer Éliane Radigue is a pioneer of electronic music. In 2019, the ZKM honored her with the Giga-Hertz Award for Electronic Music for her life's work.

She was born on January 24, 1932 in Paris, where she still lives and works today. From her childhood in Paris, Éliane Radigue will preserve the memory of a secret introduction to music by an understanding piano teacher. Then she adds harp, singing and composition to the piano. But it is only through contact with »Musique concrète« with Pierre Schaeffer and later with Pierre Henry that Éliane Radigue will find her true path.

In over 50 years there will be three different periods, always marking a break, but each one in its own way representing an inspired exploration of thresholds, of spaces that expand in intervals, and a dialogue between auditory experience and inner experience, between personal history and sensual memory.

The first period (1968–1971) was that of work on feedback and reinjection, an embryonic phase already marked by extreme precision and work on thresholds and threatened balances.

The second period, which spans thirty years (1971–2001), is characterized by a fruitful production of electronic compositions that in an indissoluble way combine their music with the unique beats of their ARP 2500 synthesizer. This period is also marked by the development of long forms with subtle variations that disappear and resound between the history carried by the music and the time necessary for its unfolding.

The third and still ongoing period is that of her mainly acoustic works, which are produced in close collaboration with like-minded musicians from all over the world, giving an additional relational dimension to music that was previously created alone.

In the course of her life, Éliane Radigue has produced a researching, demanding and inspiring oeuvre which today influences a whole new generation of musicians.

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Music Pieces

Éliane Radigue »OCCAM RIVER XXII« (2018), for bass clarinet and alto saxophone
Recording of the German debut performance on 24.11.2019 at ZKM | Karlsruhe

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Éliane Radigue »OCCAM RIVER XXII« (2018) für Bassklarinette und Altsaxofon

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Éliane Radigue, Carol Robinson »OCCAM XXII« (2018), for vocals
Recording of the German debut performance on 24.11.2019 at ZKM | Karlsruhe

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Éliane Radigue, Carol Robinson »OCCAM XXII« (2018) für Gesang

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Éliane Radigue »OCCAM DELTA XIX« (2019), for baryton, Birbynė and alto saxophone
Recording of the world premiere on 24.11.2019 at ZKM | Karlsruhe

Baryton, vocals: Yannick Guédon
Birbynė, Bass clarinet: Carol Robinson
Alto Saxophone: Bertrand Gauguet

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Éliane Radigue »OCCAM DELTA XIX« (2019) für Baryton, Birbynė und Altsaxofon

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Francois Bonnet on the work and creativity of Éliane Radigue on 24.11.2019 at ZKM | Karlsruhe 

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Vortrag von Francois Bonnet über die Arbeit und Kreativität von Éliane Radigue

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Éliane Radigue in an interview with Ludger Brümmer as part of the Giga-Hertz Award 2019

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Éliane Radigue | Interview with Ludger Brümmer

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ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

