

Related terms: Apocalypse, End Times, Messianic Hopes, Solastalgia, Structural Uncertainty, Unheimlich (German), Unpredictability, Value Uncertainty

Eschatology is the study of the messianic »end of times« and the dawn of the new world order that follows a prophesied apocalypse. In our case, the New Climatic Regime provokes imaginations of eschatology: the variety of colorful apocalypses surmised by climate scientists who foresee an uncertain future for humans on an increasingly uninhabitable Earth. These visions are based on the inability to take responsibility for changing the destiny of humankind. By recognizing that time and our systems of subsistence are not linear but a constant negotiation of many agents, we realize our own complex embroilment in these relationships. Instead of falling for eschatological delusions of a predetermined future, we become part of a process of collective world-making.