BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Remembering Newtopia

Thu, September 20 – Sat, September 22, 2007

In their collaborative project, the Budapest Music Center and the ZKM | Center for Art and Media invite German and Hungarian artists to a three-part workshop: the different areas are called "Klangdom," "audible light," and "sound pictures." Composers, light artists, dancers, and musicians all work together in the project. One of the most topical issues in the artistic application of digital technologies is how to connect elements of sound with parameters of the moving image. In the "sound pictures" workshop, music pieces are developed based on the interaction of image and sound. The essence of "audible light" is a special laser interface that transforms the movements of performing artists—in this case, dancers—into musical information. As part of a residency program, German composers were invited to Budapest to compose music for this laser instrument. Additionally, a guest artist program promotes the composition of multi-channel works by Hungarian and German composers for the ZKM’s Klangdom. The Klangdom will be installed and played for the opening of the Budapest Music Forum at the beginning of September 2007. Before the performance comes to Karlsruhe, the ZKM will make guest appearances with the project in Budapest and Munich.


Interactive works by Ludger Brümmer, György Kurtag jr., Lukas Ligeti, Andrea Szigetvari, Todor Todorof, and Stevie Wishart, among others.

6–08 September 2007 Budapest Festival by the Hungarian partner
BMC / Budapest Music Forum

11/17 September 2007 Munich Festival in Muffathalle.
A co-production with BR Hörspiel and Medienkunst / intermedium in cooperation with Muffatwerk Munich

Fri 23 November 2007, 8:30 pm Bayern2Radio live recording from the festival on the show "Hör:Spiel:Art.Mix"
The presented works were created in the context of "Bipolar – deutsch-ungarische Kulturprojekte," a project supporting cooperative ventures between German and Hungarian cultural partners.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

