Ludger Brümmer
Year of birth, place
Institute / Department
- Hertzlab
- Institute for Music and Acoustics
Ludger Brümmer is currently Professor of Composition for Digital Media at the Trossingen State University of Music and has headed first the Institute for Music and Acoustics and then the Hertzlab at the ZKM | Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe for almost 20 years. He is a member of the renowned Akademie der Künste Berlin (AdK), has a Master's degree in education and an artistic qualification in composition and works in the fields of physical sound modelling, algorithmic composition, spatial sound, artificial intelligence and interdisciplinary art. Many of his works attempt to combine electronic music with historical music sources such as Gesualdo da Venosa or Maurice Ravel through composed granulated micro-compositions. In this context, he works with mathematical models such as fractal Markov chains, cellular automata and artificial intelligence. For the Munich Biennale, he composed the music for the opera Amazonas, for which he collaborated with Peter Weibel (text and direction) and Bernd Lintermann (image). He has been honoured with the Golden Nica at the Ars Electronica for Digital Musics & Sound Art, two Pierre d'Or at the Bourges Synthesis Competition, the Busoni Prize of the Berlin Academy of the Arts and numerous other prizes. He has presented numerous lectures internationally, most recently at the AI Symposium of Soundtrack Cologne.
AI Activities of the ZKM | Hertz-Lab
The ZKM | Hertz-Lab is a transdisciplinary research and development platform within the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, operating at the interface of media arts, science and society. The Hertz-Lab focuses on artistic production and media technology research. This presentation gives an insight in the Lab’s AI-related activities. It opens the discussion by linking to their past activities in algorithmic research, presents currently useful applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for artistic projects, exemplified trough ongoing cooperations with artists-in-residence or other research institutions as well as in-house productions, and gives an outlook in the Hertz-Lab’s future actions and topics to shape machine learning and artistic research from inside the art institution.
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