BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Jagoda Szmytka. LOST – Extension / Reality

Transmedia music theater

Fri, September 25, 2015 7:00 pm CEST

LOST – a transmedia composition developed across multiple platforms and formats including: LOST PLAY – simultaneous cross-genre performance; LOST ID – play park; LOST in TRANSIT – a music web series; a website –; LOST EXTRA – live events; a Facebook page – LOST in BLUE; LOST Magazine; and a novel called GAME of LOST. All these extensions are mutually complementary and form a contextual constellation.

In its contextual essence, LOST blurs the distinction between illusion and reality, life and art, what is ON and OFF the stage, and what is private and public. The characters which populate the multidimensional realities of LOST are unable to define when they play roles and when they live their own private lives. The differences between Yago and Jagoda, Fraulein and Frauke, Sebbi and Sebastian are fluid, hard to define unequivocally and hard to sense for both the audience and the characters themselves. When does one begin to »play« and when, conversely, does one simply and only »be«? Is entry into the »play« triggered by putting on a whole costume, or does just a part suffice? Does the play begin when we enter onto the stage, or when we decide that a given space »will from now on be the stage«?

The definition of an audience is also fluid in LOST, as, depending on the different types of access to composition and the selected activity, the audience may assume the role of listeners, users, players, commentators, or consumers. And what about the composition itself: LOST? It takes place somewhere between clicking on »enter«, the applause in a concert hall, and a kiosk where LOST Magazine can be bought.

Contributors in Karlsruhe

  • Paul Hübner: trumpet, moderation
  • Steffen Ahrens: e-guitar
  • Yannick Hofmann: moderation, programming
  • Ludger Brümmer: guest speaker

Contributors in Warsaw

  • Sebastian Berweck: voice, sampling, acting
  • Frauke Aulbert: voice, acting
  • Katharina Bach: voice, acting
  • Alexander Hofmann: sound design and sound direction
  • Jagoda Szmytka: concept, composition, text, video, script, direction, artwork and design
  • Halina Przebinda: vision direction, staging
  • Laura Linnenbaum: staging, direction adviser
  • Anna Mioduszewska: staging
  • David Gonter: costumes
  • Damjan Jovanovic: video animation in Second Life environment
  • Paweł Pniewski: light
  • Decoder Ensemble:
    • Leopold Hurt: e-zither
    • Andrej Koroliov: sampler
    • Carola Schaal: clarinets
    • Sonja Lena Schmid: cello
    • Jonathan Shapiro: percussion

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe


Music festival »Warsaw Autumn«


Support by German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe Institute in Warsaw


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

