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Experiments in Arts and Economics

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, photo: Akshay Sawant

A Short-term Residency Program by In4Art and ZKM | Karlsruhe in September 2021.

Bringing agents of two seemingly remote fields together under one roof and labeling it an experiment is not unprecedented. Especially when a critical point arrives in history, interventions that can roll societies toward ontological shifts are inevitable. At such acute moments, different disciplines and the cultures they are embedded in should be brought together and given a chance to clash.

A small but diverse group of economic and artistic thinkers will come together at ZKM | Karlsruhe from September 16 to 17, 2021. Together with a curator from ZKM and the founders of In4Art, the group will work on developing collaborative ideas and new concepts on the intersection of art and economics. The event is dedicated to in-depth discussions between participants so that their ideas can merge into new entrepreneurial proposals for the twenty-first century.
It consists of a mix of joint discussions, one-on-one sessions, and working or prototyping sessions around joint ideas. At the end, various concepts emerge. The residency concludes in an open event at ZKM | Karlsruhe to present and discuss the outcomes.

Intended outcomes

  • An evening seminar at ZKM on the last evening of the residency
  • A joint article or essay intended for publication in academic and art journals
  • A follow-up seminar or presentation at another leading institution in Europe

Project team

Felix Koberstein: Project Coordination
Ludger Brümmer: Artistic Advisor
Contributing Artists: RYBN.ORG, Martin Nadal, Cesar Escudero Andaluz
Contributing Economists: Stefano PuntoniNancy Bocken

  • Cooperation partners


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

