BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Stimme+ 2006

Thu, May 18 – Sat, May 20, 2006


On the the fifty-year anniversary of the creation of Karlheinz Stockhausen’s »Gesang der Jünglinge,« ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics will take the occasion to think aloud about the role of the human voice in today’s digital context via commissioned works, concerts, and discussions. Stockhausen’s epochal work hereby serves as an important stimulus to present the latest developments in digitally supported or even digitally produced vocal music. After the pioneering works by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Boulez, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Dieter Schnebel, and Pierre Henry, vocal music took on greater significance in contemporary composing and achieved true heights in acoustic art, which did not go unnoticed by audiences.

Prominent figures from the realm of vocals will make guest appearances at ZKM
Between music theater, installation, and loudspeaker music, great attention is dedicated to the human voice, »vox humana,« in the medial context. The synthesizing of this initial and most bodily of all instruments is now, as before, a great challenge in contemporary media art. We have been fortunate in attaining high quality interpreters for the festival. Along with the award-winning composer and vocalist in extreme registers, Jennifer Walshe, also taking part are the prominent »Maulwerker « from Berlin and the opera and concert soloist Dunja Vejzovic (in »ICHNICHTICH « for voice, percussion, and accordion by Jens Paulus and Philipp Noll). The highlight will be a concert by Freiburg’s Experimentalstudios für akustische Kunst e. V. in a ZKM atrium with a performance of Luigi Nono’s »Guai ai gelidi mostri« based on the text by Massimo Cacciari, and pictures by Emilio Vedova (1983), with largely the same line-up as the première. In cooperation with the Experimentalstudio für Akustische Kunst e.V. Freiburg


Thu, May 18, 2006

8 p.m.
ZKM_Cube admission € 8 / 5
»Tongues of Fire« by Trevor Wishart
»Impuls« by Damon Lee (UA)
»dub/ber/wie« by Jennifer Walshe and Bernhard Gál (UA)

Fri, May 19, 2006

8 p.m.
admission € 8 / 5
maulwerker performing music
»Call Me Yesterday« by Antje Vowinckel (UA)
New work by Steffi Weismann (UA),
»Maulwerker« by Dieter Schnebel (new version)
Immediately following, on the ZKM_Music Balcony:
John Butcher and Bill Hsu performing music
New work by John Butcher and Bill Hsu

Sat, May 20, 2006

4:30 p.m.
ZKM_Lecture Hall
Free admission
Round-Table – Stimmungen: Das Vokale in der
elektronischen Musik (Voices: the vocal in electronic music)
With, a.o., André Richard, Dieter Schnebel, presentation: Achim Heidenreich

6 p.m.
admission € 8 / 5
New work for two singing clarinettes by Pei Yu Shi (UA)
The gates of H. by Ludger Brümmer, new interpretation with the 40-channel Klangdom
ICHNICHTICH by Jens Paulus and Philipp Noll interpreted by renowned opera singer and Wagner interpreter Dunja Vejzovic,
Light design Christian Romanowski
Gesang der Jünglinge
by Karlheinz Stockhausen

8 p.m.
ZKM | Media Museum
Guai ai gelidi mostri
A work by Luigi Nono based on a text by Massimo Cacciari,
on pictures by Emilio Vedova
Concert with the spectacular acoustics of the ZKM | Media Museum

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

