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Piano+ 2006: A Tribute to Luc Ferrari

Fri, November 24 – Sun, November 26, 2006

Lecture Hall
Luc Ferrari, the extraordinarily versatile composer (radio plays, audio tape and instrumental works, films, »Musique anecdotique«, installations), a former student of Alfred Cortot, has a fascinating relationship to the piano.
Ferrari, who was born in Paris in 1929 and died on 22 August 2005, was in many ways more experimental than any other composer. »One could say that I experimented with aesthetic situations and with new, acoustic possibilities just as much in my instrumental music as in my electroacoustic compositions«. (From an interview with T. Böhme-Mehner on 2 August 2005 in the studio »Post-Billig«.)
»Piano+« will take the plus sign in the title as an occasion to look intently at parts of Ferrari’s oeuvre. Also presented along with piano pieces, both with and without electronics and with and without additional instruments from various periods (1955–2004), are several key electroacoustic works.

During the festival, several of Luc Ferrari’s films will be shown in the listening room of the ZKM | Media Museum.


Fri, November 24, 2006

8 p.m., ZKM_Cube
Strathoven (1985), stereo audio tape
Comme une fantaisie dite des réminiscences (1989–91),
for two pianos
Suite Hétéroclite (1955) for piano
Jeu du hasard et de la détermination (1998–99)
for piano, percussion, and recorded sounds
Piano: Tomomi Fujii, Catherine Vickers,
Hwa-Kyung Yim, and Martin Hiendl
Percussion: Louisa Marxen

Sat, November 25, 2006

3 p.m., ZKM_Lecture Hall
Round table »Musique Anecdotiques?«
with, among others: Ludger Brümmer, Brunhild Meyer-
Ferrari, Catherine Vickers, and Peter Weibel
Moderation: Achim Heidenreich

5 p.m., ZKM_Cube
Fragments du journal intime (1980–82 / 1995)
Collection de petites pièces or 36 Enfilades pour
piano et magnétophone (1985)
Piano: Michel Maurer

8 p.m., ZKM_Cube
Presque rien or Le lever du jour au bord de la mer (1969–70), stereo audio tape
Und so weiter (1965–66) for piano and audio tape
Cellule 75, Force du Rythme et Cadence Forcée (1975)
for piano, percussion, and audio tape
Piano: Christian Nagel
Percussion: Michael Pattmann

10 p.m., ZKM_Cube
Presque rien n°2. Ainsi continue la nuit dans
ma tête multiple (1977), stereo audio tape
Lapidarium (1955) for piano
A la recherche du rythme perdu. Réflexion sur
l’écriture n°2 (1978), for piano and audio tape
Danses organiques (1971–73), comic strip
for the ears on stereo audio tape
Piano: David Tonojan, Florian Wäldele

Sun, November 26, 2006

11 a.m., ZKM_Cube
Rencontres fortuites (2003) for viola, piano
and recorded sounds
Far West News (1998–99), radio piece
in three parts
Viola: Hideko Kobayashi
Piano: Catherine Vickers

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

