Giga-Hertz Award 2020 | Panel Discussion
with Ludger Brümmer, Rudolf Frisius, Sabine Sanio and Julia Gerlach

- Date
- Duration
- 59:39
The Giga-Hertz Award for Electronic Music has been awarded since 2007 by ZKM | Karlsruhe and SWR Experimentalstudio. This year’s artists and composers will be honored during a two-day festival. This year, the Giga-Hertz Main Award 2020, with prize money of 10,000 EUR, goes to Alvin Lucier. Since the mid-1960s, the compositions of the American artist have had a lasting influence on new, experimental music and sound art. As a researcher, his works deal with the phenomenological fusion of acoustics, voice and sound as physical expression – electronic, instrumental or based on the natural oscillations of microphoned objects such as vases – and as partners in shared conversation.
Video documentary:
ZKM | Videostudio
Camera: Christina Zartmann, Xenia Leidig, Jule Heinzmann
Live editing: Andy Koch