BS DC Import ID
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Design - Head - Color

Caught up in the Web?

Global Google Cultures

Sat, February 12, 2011 8:00 pm CET

Though barely fifteen years old, as a mass medium the Internet has already succeeded in permeating the most diverse spheres of society and in defining our lives in a great many ways. Co-presented by ZAK | Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft [Center for Applied Cultural Sciences], the Extracurricula Studies of (KIT) [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology] and ARTE and the ZKM | Karlsruhe as part of the Karlsruhe Talks, the Film Evening provides visibly lucid insights into the topic.
The evening begins with a showing of "Wer hat Angst vor Google?" [Who’s Afraid of Google?], a documentary dealing with the secret behind the success of the powerful US company Google, allowing for both inventor and fans as well as critics to have a say on the theme. "Die Digitale Bombe: The Social Galaxy" [The Digital Bomb: The Social Galaxy] shows how the boundaries that have defined real life and the virtual world have become increasingly blurred by providers such as YouTube and Facebook, or Blogs. The film "Kontrolle total" [Total Control] takes a critical look at the consequences of disclosing personal data on the Web. The short film "The Epic 2015", currently being disseminated on the Internet, depicts a vision of the future in which the Leviathan of fusion "Googlezon" maintains exclusive worldwide power over the news business.
The evening closes with the French feature film "8.Wonderland". The film thematizes the utopia of a virtual state the population of which is constituted by worldwide Internet users struggling for a just future by way of carrying out anarchist actions. The 15th Karlsruhe Talks Film Evening provides realistic insight into the positive and negative effects of Internet culture.


8 p.m.
Wer hat Angst vor Google? [Who’s Afraid of Google?]
Documentary by Sylvain Bergère and Stéphane Osmont, ARTE,
France 2007

9.30 p.m.
Die Digitale Bombe: The Social Galaxy [The Digital Bomb: The Social Galaxy]
Documentary by Hermann Vaske, ARTE/ZDF 2009

10.15 p.m.
Kontrolle total [Total Control]
Documentary by Etienne Labroue, ARTE France/Novaprod 2007

11.15 p.m.
The Epic 2015
Short film by Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson, Aperto AG (Germ.
version) 2006

11.30 p.m.
Midnight Snack

12.00 midnight
8. Wonderland [8.Wonderland]
Feature film by Jean Mach and Nicolas Alberny, France, 2008

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

