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Design - Head - Color

International Day of the Environment 2012

With a Film by Argentinian Director Pino Solanas on the Future of Energy

Tue, June 05, 2012 6:00 pm CEST

Lecture Hall
Sustainability, attentiveness, climate protection–all terms with which we have meanwhile become familiar. One possibility of carrying out a closer analysis of environmental themes is provided by the “World Environment Day”, which has taken place annually since 1972. Each year is dedicated to a new aspect of environmental protection. Thus, the mottos of more recent years were ”Protect Forests – for Human Beings, Nature and Climate” (2011), “Life is Diversity” (2010) or “Environmental Protection – for our Protection” (2009). This year’s theme is “Together into a Better Energy Future”.

The ZKM will be using this occasion to present the film “Land in Revolt II: Black Gold” (2011) by Argentinian director and politician Fernando E. Solanas (also known as Pino Solanas), who critically investigates the problems connected with environmental issues, thus seeking to encourage discussion on the theme “Energy”.
Freddy Paul Grunert, curator, and well-known for his engagement for the establishment of an international environmental court, will introduce the film together with Donald K. Ranvaud, Producer ("Land in Revolt II: Black Gold", "City of God" e.g.). “Land in Revolt II: Black Gold”, which was also shown at the 68th Venice Film Festival in 2011, and will talk on the subject of sustainability and energy in the cultural context of the film Solanas. The film seeks to come to terms with the personal insights into the resistance of the Argentinian population to the privatization of the oil industry and the social, economic and, no less, ecological consequences for the country.

Fernando E. Solanas: “Land in Revolt II: Black Gold” (2011)

35mm – color; 107’
Following a plan designed by the IMF and the World Bank, the privatization of Argentina’s two biggest public companies – YPF [oil and petroleum] and Gas del Estado – during the government of Carlos Menem ended in economic and social failure. It was one of the biggest cases of fraud in national history and an asset stripping operation: instead of multiplying existing reserves, the oil corporations were taken abroad. A once self-sufficient Argentina is still importing oil and gas twenty years later.
Stories and accounts by workers, local people and technicians tell of popular grass-roots resistance to the lay-offs and contamination of the oil exploitation. After boosting capitalism and the consumer society, oil-based civilization is burning itself out: hydrocarbons are the principal cause of global warming.

At the same time, “Climate Spinner”, a gyroscope-like, interactive sculpture will be unveiled in the ZKM_Foyer. The work challenges visitors to themselves become active, and to formulate relevant environmental questions and commentaries on site. The work generates answers from the most diverse knowledge and experience archives, such as the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) or the Canary-Project, New York, which, however, the visitors must initially develop by way of a “question & answer dance”, in which they move the sculpture. The questions may be posed in German, English or Spanish at the sculptures on site or online at

The installation seeks to instigate social transformation along the lines of a sustainable “Culture of Collaboration”, as well as new approaches to a research- and action-based art of living. In the Berlin Art Academy a “Climate Spinner” has also been installed.


ZKM_Lecture Hall

6 p.m.
Introduction to Solanas’ work by Freddy Paul Grunert

6.45 p.m.
Film Screening
Fernando E. Solanas: “Land in Revolt II: Black Gold” (2011)
Original language with English subtitles

The “Climate Spinner” is available at the ZKM_Foyer.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

