Vinegar Syndrome
European Premier
Thu, March 27, 2014 6.30 pm CET, Film Screening
The film documents the Brazilian’s 2013 protests, when several millions of people went to the streets: Starting from the Indian’s museum invasion by the police in March until the pope visit in late July, 2013 and thus the end of the protests. It focuses on the media war, which shows the manipulation in contrast with the rising of the new media.

The filmscreening is followed by a talk with the directors. The talk is moderated by Joachim Bernauer, who is director of the department film, broadcast and TV of the central of the Goethe Institute in Munich since the beginning of the year.Anfang des Jahres die Abteilung Film, Rundfunk und Fernsehen der Zentrale des Goethe-Instituts in München leitet.

A film by César Oiticica Filho and Tamur Aimara
Language: Portuguese with english subtitles