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The ZKM turns 25

Fri, September 12 – Sun, September 14, 2014

With the 25th year of its founding, the ZKM now casts back to the artistic revolutionary avant-garde movements which art – from performance through to media – decisively influenced the 21st century. This»performative turn« was not irrelevant for the founding of the ZKM – that is the reason why we now cast back, to the origins of the institution; with the GLOBALE from June 2015 we then will take a look at the current, global art productions as well as at the future. With Beuys, Brock and Vostell from Germany, with the »godfather« of avant-garde cinema, Mekas from the USA, and with Lebel the Rebel from France, we present the origins of Action and Media Art. 

But we do not want to celebrate alone: for this reason you can follow the anniversary event via live stream and we offer you free entry into the ZKM | Museums on our anniversary weekend from September 12 to September 14, 2014. The history of the ZKM is shown on 52 monitors: On the monitors which usually present »365 Day Project« by Jonas Mekas you can see a special on the history of the ZKM: 25 Years – 52 documentaries on exhibitions, lectures, concerts, events and more.

In addition, after a short break, the familiar and cherished highlights of »ZKM_Gameplay« can be played again from September 12, 2014 at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art. But also new additions from the Independent Games Festival A.MAZE can be experienced! With the first IMA_lounge of 2014, the Saturday Evening, September 13,2014, goes musically. At the end of the summer holidays we invite you and your family to our Family_Gameplay on Sunday, September 14, 2014 from 11 am to 6 pm: The whole family can look forward to an exciting workshop, guided tours through the partial new exhibition, game contests and a music program on the theme Games!

We are also delighted to welcome the band 25 Years – ZKM presents: KRAFTWERKKRAFTWERK with a series of three concerts to the ZKM in September  – tickets were sold out within five days of issue. The »Beatles of electronic dance music« (NYT, 1997) had already given the opening of the house in 1997 its deserved glance.

From November 9, 2014 the ZKM | Media Museum must be closed due to renovation work until June 2015. But then you can expect the GLOBALE – the new art experience with various exhibitions and events – from June 19, 2015: Let us surprise you!

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

