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A film by Fabrizio Ferraro

Wed, March 16, 2016 7:00 pm CET

Lecture Hall
After an introduction with director Fabrizio Ferraro, Freddy Paul Grunert and co-author and producer Marcello Fagiani, the film will be premiered to the public. There will then be the opportunity for discussion.
»Sebastian0« deals indirectly with the tale of suffering of St. Sebastian, who was martyred in the 3rd century A.D. and was then invoked against the plague and other epidemics. Due to his open confession to Christianity, Sebastian was sentenced to death by Emperor Diocletian and thereupon shot by Mauritanian archers. However, he did not succumb to his wounds. Instead, he was able to fully recover. Thereupon, he was sentenced to death for a second time by Diocletian and then executed in the Circus Maximus.
Fabrizio Ferraro took the inspiration for »Sebastian0« from the paintings of Andrea Mantegna, which show the saint pierced in numerous parts of his body – exposed before an antique column. The film attempts to record this tale of suffering: By refraining almost completely from words, it makes the maltreated body and pain of Sebastian tangible for the viewers. The film was recorded at authentic sites in the Roman imperial fora and Roman palace. It deals in part with documentary recordings of the present as well as orchestrations of history. The images are characterized by special lighting effects, which resemble a chromatic symphony and are characterized by strong black and white contrasts. The combination of silence and light form a unity in »Sebastian0«, with which the twofold story of suffering of the saint can be justifiably portrayed.
Together with the Parisian Cinématèque of the Centre Pompidou, the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid and the National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome, the ZKM is premiering »Sebastian0«, the new film by Italian director Fabrizio Ferraro.
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

