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The Share Economy in the Digital Age

shareBW State Convention

Thu, July 07, 2016 11:00 am CEST

© CyberForum, Photo: Björn Pados

On July 7, 2016, the CyberForum, on the initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, will host a big State Convention at the ZKM on the topic of »The Share Economy in the Digital Age«. Keynotes on the topics of sharing and digitalization, panels on specialist topics and networking of experts within the Share Economy and the Digital Economy will be central to this.

A prize of 180,000 Euros in total, more than 60 applications from the whole of Baden-Württemberg, 5 winning teams and two big Share Economy conventions – that is the framework programme of shareBW, the initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, to further the Share Economy as a driver of the digital transformation.

On this year’s shareBW State Convention, experts from economy, education, and research will talk about the opportunities, challenges and risks that the Share Economy brings with it. One highlight: the internet pioneer and peace prize holder Jaron Lanier was also secured for a Keynote – he’s coming to Karlsruhe directly from the IT and high-tech Mecca of the Silicon Valley. Here you can find an overview of all speakers of the day.


11:00 am–12:00 pmAdmittance & RegistrationZKM_Foyer
12:00 pm–12:30 pm

Welcome Address
Prof. Peter Weibel 
Matthias Hornberger, Vorstand des CyberForum

ZKM_Media Theater
12:30 pm–1:15 pmPresentation of the winning projects
Moderation: Markus Brock
ZKM_Media Theater
1:15 pm–2:00 pmCan we enjoy the benefits
of digital networks without drowning

in creepiness?
Keynote by Jaron Lanier
ZKM_Media Theater
2:00 pm–2:30 pmPauseZKM_Foyer
2:30 pm–4:00 pmPanel I: Research
With Dr. Timm Teubner, Michael Bucher,
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt & Prof. Dr.
Harald Heinrichs
ZKM_Media Theater
 Panel II: Impacts
With Julian Dörr, Markus Brock,
Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap & Prof. Dr.
Peter Wedde
 Panel III: Practice
With Christian Mauer, Christian Rickerts,
Dr. Florian Nickels-Teske, Felix Weth,
Lars Klein, Michael Aechtler &
Norbert Kunz
ZKM_Lecture Hall
4:00 pm–4:30 pmPauseZKM_Foyer
4:30 pm–4:45 pmSynopsis of the Panels
Moderation: Markus Brock
ZKM_Media Theater
4:45 pm–5:30 pmSharing Economy and
sustainable lifestyles

Keynote by Thomas Wagner
ZKM_Media Theater
5:30 pm–6:00 pmGood sharing – Bad sharing?
Podium discussion with Christian Mauer,
Christian Rickerts, Dr. Florian
Nickels-Teske, Felix Weth, Lars Klein,
Markus Brock, Norbert Kunz,
Prof. Dr. Peter Wedde & Thomas Wagner
ZKM_Media Theater
6:00 pm–8:00 pmNetworkingZKM_Foyer

Here you can find further information on the program.

Organizing Organization / Institution

CyberForum Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

