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Ping Pong Tournament in Open Codes

After Work Table Tennis Relaxation

Thu, July 05, 2018 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm CEST

Atrium 9

On July 5, 2018, BNAG and Louis Kohlmann invite you to an exciting and relaxing Ping Pong tournament in the exhibition »Open Codes. Living in Digital Worlds« at the ZKM – with an after-work massage for the winners!

Which codes determine the table tennis game? What happens if you open them slightly in some places, slightly modified? A classic table tennis tournament – with small interventions, fresh smoothies and great music. You can win special gadgets from BNAG. The first 16 finalists will also qualify for a regenerating after-work massage. We are looking forward to an exciting tournament and a relaxed evening with you!

Registration procedure

From Sunday, July 1, 2018, you will have the opportunity to register to participate from 6 pm on via the e-mail address The first 24 mails, which will be sent to this e-mail address with the subject »TT Turnier«, qualify for the tournament. E-mails received before July 1, 2018, or on July 1, 2018 before 6 pm cannot be considered! The lucky participants will be notified by e-mail. The remaining places will be allocated on Thursday evening, 5 July, directly on site.


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

