The picture shows a black flag at the North Pole in black and white.
Edith Dekyndt, William Forsythe, Santiago Sierra
Fri, June 21, 2024 7 pm CEST, Opening

The exhibition BLACK FLAGS presents three selected works on the motif of the black flag. We cordially invite you to the opening.

These works are part of the exhibition: The installation »Black Flags« (2014) by US choreographer William Forsythe, in which two industrial robots with black flags perform a complex and contrapuntal choreography, the immersive photo and sound installation »Black Flag« (2015) by Spanish conceptual and performance artist Santiago Sierra, which documents the raising of the black flag as an iconic symbol of the anarchist movement at the geographic North and South Poles, and the video »Ombre indigène, part 2, Martinique« (2014) by Brussels-based artist Edith Dekyndt, which shows a flag made of black hair.

The motif of the black flag, which can be read in many ways, both aesthetically and politically, encourages a change of perspective and challenges us to take a fresh look at the unifying elements in the face of the many challenges of the present that divide our society. 


Alistair Hudson, Scientific-Artistic Director, ZKM | Karlsruhe

Dr. Claudia Rose, Head of the Art Department, Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Albert Käuflein, Mayor, City of Karlsruhe

Philipp Ziegler, Curator
Margit Rosen, Curator


Opening hours
The exhibition rooms and the mint bar in the ZKM foyer are open from 7:45 pm to 11:00 pm.
Admission is free. Registration is not required.

Curator & artist guided tour
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11:30 am