BS DC Import ID
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Art & Science

Tue, January 24 – Wed, January 25, 2017

© »Art & Science«, Delivering Change Forum 2017, Photo: Sakal Media Group
Nehru Centre

The ZKM in India: 

Under the motto »Art & Science«, the exhibition accompanied the two-day international conference »Delivering Change: Innovation, Transformation and Change in today’s world« in Mumbai. The exchange between advanced research projects, for example in the areas of technology, sustainability, globalization, biomedicine and start-ups was at the center of the conference. The ZKM has put together a relevant exhibition on the subject with installations from its own collection, as a platform for ideas and a source of inspiration.

Exhibited Works: 

  • Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, »Portrait on the Fly«, 2015
  • Peter Weibel, »Data Music«, 2016
  • Wolfgang Münch, Kioshi Furakawa, »Bubbles«, 2000
  • Adam Slowik, Christian Lölkes, »ABC – Creatio Continua«, 2016
  • Peter Weibel, »SoundART«, 2012
  • Bernd Lintermann, Thomas Schwab, »VR ZKM«, 2016


Organizing Organization / Institution

Delivering Change Foundation & ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

