
Jacob Birken: Weltenfresser

Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Einleitung: Andrea Buddensieg, Peter Weibel)".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Einführung: Hans Belting)".
Preview image for the audio "Chrischona Schmidt: Emily Kame Kngwarreye und die Künstler aus Utopia, Zentralaustralien".
Preview image for the audio "Markus Hafner: $$tm – Systeme und Soziosom".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Podiumsdiskussion)".
Preview image for the audio "Hans Belting: Art Unlimited? ".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies. Gastvortrag von Chris Dercon".
Preview image for the audio "Ulrike Heine: Imag(in)ing the Change".
Preview image for the audio "Nadine Siegert: (Re)mapping Luanda".
Preview image for the audio "Sebastian Baden: Die Produktion subversiver Bilder und die Struktur des Kunstmarktes".
Preview image for the audio "Julia Binter: Global Documentary".
Date created


Section: Theory globalization?

Jacob Birken, University of Art and Design , Karlsruhe

Jacob Birken (*1978) studied Art & Art Sciences in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2002-2004, he worked as a researcher & coder for Global Icons, a project by the Volkswagen-Stiftung and the Berlin Weißensee School of Art, and later as a project assistant at the House of World Cultures in Berlin. In continuation of his M.A. thesis with Prof. Boris Groys and Prof. Wolfgang Ullrich, he is pursuing a PhD project on the representation of guilt & debt in arts and mass media. Currently, he is working as a scientific assistant at the GAM, and as a curator for the Karlsruhe art space Morgenstrasse.

“The Skulls we Built” / “Fear of Machines”, in: Andreas Voigt et al. (Ed.): The Daniel Libeskind Research Studio (2010)
“Die heißeste Nadel. Zur Evidenz und ihrer Verweigerung.” / catalogue texts for Jim Campbell, Via Lewandowsky and Tobias Trutwin, in: Ursula Zeller / Frank-Thorsten Moll (Ed.): Come As You Are – Der abwesende Körper in der Kunst (2010)
“Środowisko czy peryferia. Reprezentacja sztuki w World Wide Web” (“Environment or Periphery — The Representation of Art in the World Wide Web”), in: Antoni Porczak (Ed.): Interfejsy Sztuki. (2008)
“Global Icons”, in: Johannes Kirschenmann / Ernst Wagner (Hrsg.): Bilder, die die Welt bedeuten. (2006)


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