
Gediminas & Nomeda Urbonas, »The Swamp Observatory«

Driving the Human Festival



Gediminas & Nomeda Urbonas, »The Swamp Observatory«

»The Swamp Observatory«, which is also part of the »Critical Zones« exhibition at ZKM, illuminates the vital urgency of human cohabitation with other forms of life. The swamp offers an opportunity to test the idea of sympoiesis – coming together in order to find a new ethos of coexistence, a direction that stems from the act of recognizing the poetic power of the ecologies surrounding us.


This festival was organized by the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe and the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

Concept & Idea
Jan Boelen & Peter Weibel mit Sarah Donderer & Teresa Retzer

Sarah Donderer, Laura Morcillo (HfG Filmcrew), Teresa Retzer, Vera Sacchetti, Philipp Ziegler

Project Assistance
Annina Guntli, Laura C. Schmidt

Main Moderation
Barbara Kiolbassa, Julien McHardy

Moderation Panel Discussions
Ariana Dongus, Sabine Faller, Anett Holzheid, Michael Käthler, Lena Reitschuster, Vera Sacchetti

Technical Management & Direction
Moritz Büchner

Camera & Editing
Johannes Bauer, Benjamin Breitkopf, Moritz Büchner, Mustafa Emin Büyükcoskun, Pauline Cemeris, Jule Heinzmann, Alejandra Miranda Janus, Andy Koch, Xenia Leidig, Peter Müller, Olga Öhler, Sophie Reißfelder, Quirin Thalhammer, Victor van Wetten, Christina Zartmann

Driving the Human Visual Identity
Atelier Yukiko, Berlin

Graphic Design
Felix Plachtzik

Communication & Social Media
Lena Becker, Luisa Cossu, Sarah Donderer, Alexandra Hermann, Juliane Hohlbaum, Sabine Jäger, Nikola Joetze, Greta Kallsen, Jessica Menger, Beate Münzenmaier, Teresa Retzer, Inês Revés, Vera Sacchetti, Laura C. Schmidt, Lena Schneider, Dominika Szope, Johannes Wiesel

Zoom Host
Clara Runge

Uli Deck, Felix Grünschloß

Yannick Schütte

Sotirios Noutsos

Special Thanks to
Nikola Joetze, Anna Maganuco, Freo Majer, Daria Mille, Martina Schraudner, Jan Speckenbach, Desiree Weiler



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
