
Hans Belting: Art Unlimited?

Preview image for the audio "Global Studies. Gastvortrag von Chris Dercon".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Einleitung: Andrea Buddensieg, Peter Weibel)".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Einführung: Hans Belting)".
Preview image for the audio "Chrischona Schmidt: Emily Kame Kngwarreye und die Künstler aus Utopia, Zentralaustralien".
Preview image for the audio "Markus Hafner: $$tm – Systeme und Soziosom".
Preview image for the audio "Jacob Birken: Weltenfresser".
Preview image for the audio "Global Studies (Podiumsdiskussion)".
Preview image for the audio "Nadine Siegert: (Re)mapping Luanda".
Preview image for the audio "Julia Binter: Global Documentary".
Preview image for the audio "Ulrike Heine: Imag(in)ing the Change".
Preview image for the audio "Sebastian Baden: Die Produktion subversiver Bilder und die Struktur des Kunstmarktes".
Date created


Hans Belting

Hans Belting was co-founder of the School for New Media (Hochschule für Gestaltung) at Karlsruhe, Germany (1992) and professor of art history and media theory (until 2002). He previously held chairs of art history at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich. He acted as visiting professor at Harvard (1984), Columbia University (1989) and North Western (2004). In 2003, he lectured at the Collège de France at Paris and received an honorary degree from the Courtauld Institute, London. From 2004 to 2007, he became Director of the “International Center for Cultural Science”(IFK) at Vienna. At present, he is advisor of the project GAM (Global Art and the Museum) at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe. He is member of the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Medieval Academy of America and the Academia Europea.

His books have been translated into nine European languages and into Japanese. Among his books in English translation are: The End of the History of Art? (Chicago, 1987); Max Beckmann. Modern Painting and Tradition (New York, 1989); The Image and its Public in the Middle Ages (New York, 1990); Likeness and Presence. A History of the Image Before the Era of Art (Chicago, 1994); The Germans and their Art. A Difficult Heritage (New Haven, 2000); The Invisible Masterpiece (London, 2001); Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights (New York, 2003); Art History after Modernism (London, 2003); Thomas Struth: Museum Photographs (Munich, 2006); Duchamp’s Perspective: Duchamp. Sugimoto. Jeff Wall (Cologne, 2009); (together with Andrea Buddensieg) eds., The Global Art World. Audiences, Markets, Museums (Ostfildern 2009); Florence and Baghdad: Renaissance Art and Arab Science (Cambridge/MA, 2011); An Anthropology of Images: Picture, Medium, Body (Princeton, 2011).


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